Home - Issues and Solutions - Outdoor Solutions - How to waterproof and decorate a pool or a concrete tank
There is l’ need to waterproof a CLS, subjects in continuous contact with l’ water such as pools, basins and fountains with products that are easy to apply and maintain and that give a pleasant aesthetic appearance.
1. The product must be perfectly seasoned.
2. Eliminate any dismantling, crumbling or loose parts with a suitable mechanical or high-pressure cleaner.
3. Proceed to the grouting of any alveoli, n-d’ bee, etc. with LAMPOGRIP R900 after wetting the bottom. If necessary, after wetting the substrate, completely smooth with the same product and finish with a sponge float so as to obtain a civil finish. E’ fundamental for the success that porosityà not remain; on surface.
4. Leave to mature properly. In any case, wait at least 5&ndash - 6 days.
5. On the perfectly dry surface, apply a first coat of SMALTO AL CLOROCAUCCIU’ FOR SWIMMING POOLS diluted with 40-50 # 37 of DILUENTE UNIVERSALE DL600.
6. After 12 hours, apply a second coat diluted with 20-30 # 37 of DILUENTE UNIVERSALE DL600. The overall yield should be 5-6 m2 / l for a total thickness of 70-80 microns. È Can be filled with water after at least 48 hours from the 26-rsquo; last pass.
If you need to do surface restorations already? treated with the same product, adequately remove the various incrustations, sand with fine abrasive paper and apply two coats of Smalto with the modes? seen above.
L&rsquo application of the enamel must be carried out quickly without insisting too much on the same area. Any thicknesses greater than those indicated must be obtained with more? applications on the previous dry.