Home - Issues and Solutions - Indoor Solutions - How to protect and decorate wooden artefacts with visible grain
More and more wood? it is often rediscovered in the 26-rsquo; residential building to embellish the interior and exterior facades. Think of the exposed beams of the porches or attics that came back in vogue after decades of oblivion to which are added fences, doors, shelves and the innumerable artifacts created by “ DIY&rdquo ;. From what? l&rsquo is born, need for solutions aimed at preserving the wood from the 26-rsquo; wear of the time and, when it begins to deteriorate, to restore l’ original appearance. The possible causes of deterioration are to be found in the 26-rsquo; absorption d’ water, in’ attack of fungi, insects, solar radiation. Of all this, as well as of course the desired finish, it is taken into account in the preparation of the cycles.
Before starting work, make sure that the wood is seasoned, dry and, if it is applied to the exterior, that the temperature is mild and the day is not damp. Even applications in full sun d’ summer should be avoided. If you want to improve wood preservation, apply XILOTEX in the solvent version by means of a small brush so as to facilitate l’ absorption and leave it to act for 8 hours.
Preparation of the fund
The support, if new, must be sanded with fine abrasive paper in the direction of the grain; if already? the old paints with l&rsquo must be completely removed, using appropriate means. IS? possible l’ use of hot, mechanical or chemical paint strippers.
E’ Recommended l’ use of SVERNIL paint remover which allows removal almost? total glazes and paints in a few minutes. It must be applied to the area to be treated and, when the painting product rises, it must be completely removed with a spatula together with the residues.
Once the removal is complete, complete l’ sanding with fine abrasive paper. Any small imperfections can be grouted with LAMPOSTUCCO TINTE LEGNO in the shade? which is approaching more? to that chosen for the finish. Should it be applied in one or two passes if the imperfection requires it and, after 2-3 hours from the second pass, it must be sanded down to coplanarity? of the support.
Impregnating : apply a first coat of PROCTILLEGNO as it is, preferably with a brush in the chosen wood color, uniforming the product in the direction of the grain. After 12-24 hours, lightly sand and apply a second coat. L’ deep drying? it is obtained after about 24-36 hours.
Satin impregnating : apply a first coat of PROCTILLEGNO as it is, preferably with a brush in the chosen wood color, making the product uniform in the direction of the grain. After 12-24 hours, lightly sand and apply a second coat of PROCTILLEGNO. L’ deep drying? it is obtained after about 24-36 hours. Apply a coat of PROCTILLEGNO CERATO.
Gloss paint : apply a first coat of FLATTING LUCIDA as it is and after 24 hours apply a second coat. L’ deep drying? it is obtained after about 36-48 hours.
Glossy paint for boats : FLATTING MARE product indicated for precious woods exposed to particularly unfavorable microclimates such as l’ marine environment or particularly sunny to be applied with the same modes? of FLATTING LUCIDA.
Impregnating agent : apply a first coat of IMPREGNANTE COLORATO PER LEGNO in the selected wood color, as such with a brush, making the product uniform in the direction of the grain. After 2-3 hours, lightly sand and apply a second coat. L’ deep drying? it is obtained after about 24-36 hours.
Waxed impregnating : apply a first coat of IMPREGNANTE ALL’ ACQUA CERATO as it is and after at least 4-6 hours, in any case on a dry first coat, apply a second coat after light sanding if necessary. E’ also possible to apply the product as a finish over l’ IMPREGNATING ALL’ WATER.
Gloss paint : apply a coat of FLATTING ALL’ WATER and after 4-6 hours a second coat. L’ deep drying? it is obtained after about 36-48 hours. If so desired, and? Is it possible to apply, before Flatting, one or two coats of IMPREGNANTE COLORATO PER LEGNO in the modes? seen above.